Conflicting Interests and Concentration of Authority Just Grew

What happened nationally in the November 2008 election?
- Lawyers retained uncontested, total control of the federal judiciary.
- Lawyers took over total control of the executive branch, which nominates and appoints judges and justices, and breaks Senate ties.
- Lawyers increased their numbers in Congress, which creates huge Environmental Superfunds, Bailout and Carbon Offset Funds, etc. feeding members of their own profession. Trial attorneys are among the largest Democrat campaign contributors, and 98% of those lobbying Congress day in and day out are lawyers.
How long can the press remain silent as voters ignore such outrageous conflicts of interests?
As Lee Muller reminds us, A significant number of major figures in the press are lawyers, or ar married to lawyers who practice in the political arena.
We can certainly include in the significant number some very familiar mouthpieces such as Charlie Rose, Bill Moyers (both of whom are graduate lawyers) and Kathleen Parker, who married one.