Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Lawyer-Political Complex

The Military-Industrial Complex is but one subset of the Lawyer-Political Complex. If operations of the former are manifestly dangerous, what can be said of the latter?

The extent of influence available to and exercised by members of the legal profession surpass those of any other profession except organized crime in its heyday. While law grads comprise only 2-3% of the U.S. workforce, their collegial network extends to the highest levels of every important economic activity, including our defense establishment and government.

The system of checks and balances envisioned by framers of the U.S Constitution has been hobbled by infiltration of lawyers into career politics. When one profession exercises effective control over all three branches of government, as lawyers now do, the stakes for our republic are unnecessarily high.
The fedural judiciary is staffed, and headed by lawyers; 60% of U.S. Senators are lawyers; the House is comprised of 36% - 40%, and currently the president, vice-president, Majority and Minority Leaders of both the Senate and House are all lawyers.

Chairman of key congressional investigating and ethics committees (wielders of hidden, but threatening power) and at least half of their committee members are lawyers. The Hobbs Act defines extortion as: “the obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.” – 18 U.S.C. § 1951.

Property belonging taken under “official right” from a congressman by an ethics investigation might include unspent campaign funds and his seat, for starters.

Moreover, the wishes of citizens able to vote once every 2, 4 and 6 years often take a back seat to unelected lobbyists who provide travel and 'educational' influences to congress at least 240 days a year. The vast majority of lobbyists just happen to be law grads. They are members of the vast, unseen power network in which lawyers of all stripes must establish careers.

The average voter, blind to the facts described above, sees nothing upsetting about the power lawyers exert on each other and non-lawyer elected politicians who won’t go along with them.

No profession could long maintain a network this powerful and remain free of deep corruption. Ideally, no politician should be allowed to make a career of elected office, and lawyers should be elected to office in numbers closer to their actual representation in the general workforce. Of course, that is left to conscientious citizens who exercise their right to vote.
