In the Public's Benefit - Installment 2010-2

Coren's scheme involved more than $10,000,000 in contract payments from various agencies for projects including 18 New York City public schools and 20 public housing projects. Over the course of the scheme, two contractors alone diverted over $750,000 in funds due employees.
Coren, who was sentenced to 30 months in prison in February, admitted he had advised a client to destroy a computer flash drive that could have been used in a federal investigation. Today it was been announced that the federal crimes of which Coren was convicted were sufficient to trigger his automatic disbarment from practice in New York State.
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Why pick on law schools?
Law schools do not seem to compete for the public's benefit; school reputations currently connote to the public vague expectations of how brazen and arrogant their graduates may behave, rather than the innate integrity of their respective graduates.
Improving law school admissions standards, although certainly in the public interest, is highly unlikely. After all, law schools are not military academies and most lawyers were never Eagle Scouts nor recipients of Girl Scout equivalent Gold Awards.
Why pick on lawyers?
A disproportionate percentage of law graduates (hardly 2% of the entire workforce) are currently elected to over 20% of public offices (including 60% of the U.S, Senate and 100% of the U.S. Supreme Court). This presents conflicts of interest and publicly unintended concentrations of authority. Combined with self-serving laws tailored to give incumbents subtle advantages over challengers, the country is in growing peril of a permanent political class.
Meanwhile, proceeds of the underlying crimes are certainly adequate to provide corruptive influences in government at every level.
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